- Current registration - N6937C
- After completed as L1049H N5400V, stored at Lockheed Aircraft, Burbank, CA due to cancelled order
- To Slick Airways September 17, 1959 as N6937C
- To Airlift International July 1, 1966
- To Bal Trade November 14, 1968
- Stored at Miami, FL from 1970 and seized by airport for non-payment of parking fees June 1971
- To Aircraft Airframe Inc June 18, 1971
- Leased to Vortex Inc October 1971 and possibly spring 1972
- Leased to Sky Trucks International September 12, 1972
- To Aircraft Specialties Inc February 12, 1973
- Converted to a sprayer at Mesa, AZ with fuselage tanks and full span spray booms
- Stored at Mesa, AZ by 1975
- Sale to Science Museum, London, England fell through October 1979
- Sale to Air Trader International fell through June 1980
- To Paul Pristo at the Globe Air Auction at Mesa, AZ October 1985 for $4,000
- Save-A-Connie (SAC) organization began restoration at Mesa in May 1986 and aircraft ferried to group's headquarters at Downtown Kansas City Airport July 15, 1986
- Paul Pristo donated aircraft to Save-A-Connie December 1986 and named "Star of America"
- Major overhaul performed 1987-1988 and aircraft painted in 1950's era TWA color scheme less TWA titles
- Formally dedicated July 9, 1988
- Extended radar nose installed December 1990 - January 1991 during annual inspection
- TWA titles replaced SAC titles 1996
- SAC renamed Airline History Museum April 2000
- Interior completely renovated winter 2002-2003
- Aircraft is the only airworthy ex-civilian Constellation as all others are ex-military
- Aircraft grounded since July 20, 2005 when the #2 engine suffered a catastrophic failure during run-up
- Newly overhauled engine installed on aircraft and failed during a test flight on July 22, 2006. Returned to the overhaul shop in California for repairs
- Successful engine runs were performed on July 10, 2007. Museum working on getting flight crews certified and aircraft airworthy in the fall of 2008
- Aircraft still grounded but all four engines have been regularly run in 2010
- A detailed inspection was performed on the aircraft's wing spar August 2012 and no significant corrosion was found
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