- Final registration - N1104W
- Delivered to USAF MATS Atlantic Division March 1956 as C-121C 54-177
- To Mississippi ANG October 1962
- To West Virginia ANG April 1967
- To Pennsylvania ANG April 1972
- Retired and flown to Davis Monthan AFB for storage November 1977
- To Classic Air and registered N1104W.
- Ferried DMAFB to Van Nuys Airport, CA August 1981
- Converted to 105 seat pax aircraft and named “Connie Is A Lady”
- Classic Air planned flights carrying Japanese tourists between Van Nuys and the Grand Canyon but failed to get FAA approval
- To Darryl Greenamyer??
- Offered for sale at auction January 12, 1987 but failed to reach reserve price of $116,000
- Repossessed by Darryl Greenameyr December 1987
- Greenameyer traded aircraft to Smithsonian NASM for two HU-16 Albatross aircraft in 1988
- Flown to Dulles International Airport, VA via Kansas City, MO on February 21-22, 1988
- Officially to NASM November 28, 1989
- Stored at Dulles Airport awaiting restoration for display at the NASM's Udvar-Hazy Center
- Removed from storage in April 2007 for restoration and display in USAF/WVANG colors in the Udvar-Hazy Center
- By the end of June 2007 all paint had been stripped by United Airlines/NASM personnel and aircraft was towed to the old Independence Air hangar on August 8, 2007 for painting
- Painting completed by UAL/NASM personnel and aircraft towed to Udvar Hazy Center for display on November 28, 2007. Props, rudders, elevators and titles installed after aircraft moved into Udvar Hazy Center
- Exterior restoration completed and formal dedication ceremony held on June 26, 2008
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